Module 4

Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)

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The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) mandates that students with disabilities should be educated in the least restrictive environment (LRE) to the maximum extent appropriate. Restrictiveness refers to the degree that students are educated in separate environments that they would not if they did not have a disability. However, IDEA does not require inclusion, but mandates that a continuum of placement options—including inclusive classrooms, special classes, and special schools—be available, with the recognition that some students with disabilities require a more restrictive setting to receive an appropriate education. In determining placements, IDEA requires that FAPE take precedence over LRE. That is, inclusive placements are only justified when they result in an appropriate education. When making placement decisions, courts have relied on such factors as educational and non-educational benefits, effect on other students and teacher, and cost. LRE is a critical element of providing FAPE and is related to the IEP (placement is determined by the IEP team and specified on the IEP), assessment (placement decisions are based, in part, on assessment data), and disciplinary procedures (which can change a student’s placement). 

Advanced Organizer

As you complete the work for the lesson on LRE, keep in mind:

  • The relation of FAPE to LRE
  • Terminology related to special education placement (e.g., full inclusion, inclusion, mainstreaming)
  • The importance of providing a continuum of placements
  • Preference, but not absolute mandate, for placement in neighborhood schools
  • Right of nondisabled students to an appropriate education
  • Findings of prominent court cases regarding LRE (e.g., Roncker, Daniel R. R., Oberti, Rachel H., Clyde K., Hartmann)
  • The four-part test used in Rachel H. by 9th Circuit Court to determine appropriate placement in Hawaii and other states within its jurisdiction
Resources (Readings & Media)
Flashcard Practice

Use these “Flashcards” to practice definitions and terminologies from this lesson.

To get the most out of this activity view the questions and answers separately. To do this please uncheck the box next to “Both Sides” located on the top right of the flashcard.

Additional Resources